1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi


Pregnancy follow-up examinations are carried out from the beginning of pregnancy to postpartum period to assess the condition of the mother and baby, to inform the mother, to prevent or detect possible problems with mother and baby. It is more appropriate that these tests begin before the pregnancy occurs, since the couple is informed about the pregnancy and the vitamin is prepared for the pregnancy, the family is informed about the pregnancy, so that the mother starts the pregnancy in the healthiest way It is provided.

In case of pregnancy planned:
When you consult your doctor before the pregnancy has started, you will be given various surveys to your mother and try to avoid the risk of pregnancy according to their results. For example, if mother is anemic, it will be corrected before pregnancy. It is investigated whether or not infectious diseases such as rubella and the like have passed. If the mother does not have rubella, she should be very careful not to have it during pregnancy because rubella infection in pregnancy can cause problems. Pregnancy weight loss is recommended if the mother is overweight. In the case of diabetes mellitus, blood sugar should be regulated before pregnancy. The mother is informed about drug, smoking and alcohol use. For all women planning pregnancy, prophylactic dose of folic acid is recommended for NTD (neural tube defect) prophylaxis. Carriers are investigated for diseases such as hemoglinopathies, cystic fibrosis in risky regions.

Then your doctor will examine you and evaluate you almost once a month, depending on the condition of your pregnancy. At each visit the blood pressure and weight of the mother is measured. (Weight gain in pregnancy) There are some months of surveillance, these are done. Whether or not the baby's weight is normal for the month is evaluated by ultrasonography. The presence of abnormality in the baby is investigated, especially at the end of 5th month, the patient is directed to detailed ultrasonography. In the case of recent births, maternal birth and bone structure is compared with the baby's posture and weight by vaginal examination, and an approximate estimate of normal birth fulfillment is made. However, it is not and can not be guaranteed that normal birth will occur precisely until the moment of birth. In some cases, the baby is not expected to be upside down, or for other reasons, the birth of the normal birth is scheduled on the day of the cesarean section and the delivery is performed with the cesarean section.

Routine multivitamin supplements are not recommended for every pregnancy unless the mother's nutrition is not excessive. Multivitamin pills are given to those who have nutritional problems or to vegetarians. Medicines and vitamins used in pregnancy are explained on a separate topic.

HBsAg is performed to determine if the mother has passed hepatitis (jaundice). If the mother is HBsAg (+), the vaccine should be given to the baby immediately after birth in order to prevent the risk of passing to the baby during childbirth. The vaccination should be repeated at 2 and 6 months after birth. Hepatitis B vaccine is given to all newborns by the recommendation of the Ministry of Health. Patients with HBsAg (-) are advised to take hepatitis B vaccine as a preventive measure against the disease.

During the pregnancy, you can read in detail what kind of surveys will be made during which weeks and in what months.

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