1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi


Dieting, diet program or dietary list administration during pregnancy is generally not recommended. Ideally, a woman who is considering pregnancy should diet and exercise to reach normal weight before she conceives. Beginning with excess weight in pregnancy can lead to various problems by getting more weight in pregnancy. Click here for detailed information about the risks of overweight in pregnancy. What can be done if the pregnancy is intentionally or unwelcomely overweight? In this case, strict diet lists and diet programs should not be applied, which may cause the baby to be deprived of the vitamins and minerals it needs for its development. Instead, all the nutritional guidelines necessary for a healthy pregnancy should be applied exactly, only away from excessively calorific and unnecessary foods, and the necessary nutrients for pregnancy should not be taken more than enough. In this regard, your gynecologist will assist you with a dietician consultation if necessary. In addition, exercise and sports must be performed during pregnancy.

A tighter diet list and a tight workout schedule should be delayed postnatally.

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