2 Ocak 2018 Salı



Consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods in pregnancy:
Carbohydrates are used as the main energy source in the body.

Adequate intake prevents proteins from being used as energy sources, and inadequate intake can cause protein degradation in the body. If excess carbohydrates are taken, excess fat accumulation occurs in the body. Ideally, the amount of carbohydrate consumed in a pregnancy should be as much as 40% of the daily intake.

Most foods contain carbohydrates, but most are found in foods such as bread, rice, flour, sweets, chocolate, sugar, fruit, vegetables, pastries. For this reason, these foods should be consumed in the ideal amount, and excessive consumption should be avoided. Especially the fruit is consumed in an excessive amount by some pregnant women who think that they will give plenty of vitamin to the baby, this is wrong.

Because fruits contain vitamins and minerals, they contain plenty of carbohydrates, ie, sugars, which in turn leads to excessive weight gain and fat deposition. Ideally, a small plate of fruit a day to consume. Approximately 175 grams of carbohydrate intake per day is recommended in pregnancy, which is about 130 grams in non-pregnant women, and there are no significant differences between them, so foods should be consumed.

Consumption of foods containing protein in pregnancy:
For a non-pregnant woman, the protein recommendation of about 60 grams (0.8 gr / kg / day) per day is about 80 grams (1.1 gr / kg / day) for pregnant women. This amount should be slightly higher in adolescent pregnancies (under 18 years of age) and twin, triplet pregnancies.

Consumption of fat-containing foods during pregnancy:
The requirement of food containing fat in pregnancy does not depend on those who are not pregnant. Approximately 30% of the total calorie intake per day should be fed from the oil, which means an average of 60 grams of fat per day. People who are not pregnant, like margarine, sunflower structure should be kept away from oil. According to experts of olive oil nutrition, the most suggestions for health are oil.

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