2 Ocak 2018 Salı


The adequate intake of calcium (Calcium, Ca) is important not only in pregnancy but also in all phases of life for women. Calcium in pregnancy is essential for the development of bone marrow in the mother and for the baby to have healthy teeth development. Apart from that, calcium has various functions in the body. If enough calcium is not taken during pregnancy, the calcium required for the baby's development is met through the bones of the mother, which leads to calcium deficiency in the mother and osteoporosis in the years to come.

How much calcium is needed in pregnancy?
During pregnancy, a woman needs to take 1000 milligrams (1 gram) of calcium a day. If the woman is under 18 years of age, her daily calcium requirement is 1300 mg.

Is it necessary to use calcium medication supplements in pregnancy?
Pregnant women who need 1000 mg of calcium per day for their pregnancies and who can get enough amounts of food and drinks do not need to use calcium medication. However, supplemental calcium drug supplements are needed for pregnancies that do not take calcium in sufficient amounts with nutrients.
The multivitamin pills used in pregnancy also contain calcium, but they usually contain as little as 125 mg of calcium. If the mother does not get enough calcium with the food, the 125 mg calcium from here will not be enough. Therefore, in addition to vitamin pills, calcium pills (usually water-soluble pills) are given to mothers who can not get calcium-rich foods such as milk and yoghurt.

Calcium-containing foods:
Milk, yoghurt, cheese are the richest foods from calcium. Apart from this, dried apricots, walnuts, nuts, almonds, trout, dark green leafy vegetables and dry legumes are rich in calcium. Below is the approximate amount of calcium in some foods and beverages:
- 100 ml milk: contains 125 mg calcium
- 1 cup cow milk: contains 250 mg of calcium
- 1 cup yogurt: 250 mg
- 1 slice (30 grams) feta cheese average 100 mg (depending on the cheese flavor)
- 1 handful of nuts or almonds: 50 mg
- 1 handful of raisins: 30 mg

For lactose intolerance:
In people with lactase enzyme deficiency (lactose intolerance), milk containing normal lactose can not consume them because it causes discomfort such as gas, bloating. In this case yoghurt, ayran, cacık, cheese are the most suitable foods because of the abundant calcium content. In addition, lactose-free milk can be consumed. However, nutrients, almonds, oranges, mandarins, raisins and green vegetables can also provide calcium supplementation, although the amount of calcium in these foods is not as high as that of dairy products.

As a result; As you can see from the above list, milk and yogurt are the richest from calcium and the easiest foods to consume. A pregnant woman consuming up to 3 cups of milk or 3 cups of yoghurt (or half a day) consumes an average of 750 mg of calcium per day, while the remaining 250 mg of calcium may be consumed during the day from vegetables, fruit, other nutrients and therefore requires additional calcium drug supplements Do not stay.

However, a candidate mother who can not consume enough milk and yogurt can not supplement her daily requirement of 1000 mg of calcium with other foods. Since foods such as vegetables, fruit, dried fruits, nuts, and almonds contain small amounts of calcium, you will need to consume too much to supplement 1000 mg of calcium with these foods, which is not possible and will also result in excessive caloric intake with too much calorie burden. For this reason, candidates for mothers who can not consume enough milk and yogurt should be supplemented with additional calcium tablets. You should never use calcium, magnesium, vitamin, folic acid, iron pill or any other medication without consulting your doctor in pregnancy.

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