1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi


During pregnancy, the mother has some medications and vitamins that she should routinely use even if she has no complaints. In addition, there are some medications that are used when necessary in the face of complaints and some diseases during pregnancy. Every medicine used in normal people can not be used easily in pregnancy because most drugs can go from placenta to baby and harm the baby and some medicines do not go to babies or even do not harm and it can even be beneficial. For this reason, even the simplest medicines, including vitamins in pregnancy, should never be used without consulting a doctor. This topic is explained under a separate heading here.

Vitamins used in pregnancy:
Vitamins that should be used in pregnancy are FOLIC ACID. Even the most correct and useful thing is to start using folic acid before pregnancy, not after it starts pregnancy. It is recommended to use folic acid at least 3 months before pregnancy and continue until the end of the 3rd month after the pregnancy. For this reason, the person planning the pregnancy should start taking folic acid before conception. Folic acid is for the prevention of anomalies in the baby called neural tube defect. Normally 0.4 mg (400 mcg) folic acid per day is sufficient, but this dose should be 4 mg (4000 mcg) for those who have previously given birth to neural tube defects and who are in the risk group (epilepsy drug users, diabetics using insulin). If folic acid is forgotten for 1-2 days, it is advisable to take it regularly. Read more >>

Vitamins other than folic acid and MULTIVITAMIN preparations are drugs that are not required to be used in pregnancy. These medicines are widely available on the market and are widely taught in terms of their use in pregnancy. However, these multivitamins do not necessarily have to be used unless there is severe malnutrition in the mother, and no benefit has been shown. There is no objection to their use. However, taking these vitamins more than once a day may be objectionable, so you should not take more than your doctor recommended, because some of the vitamins can cause harm to the baby. Vitamin A, for example. Vitamins such as vitamin A are therefore found in low doses in vitamins produced for pregnancies. These vitamin medicines can cause stomach upset from time to time.

Other medicines:
It is strongly recommended that iron (blood) drugs should be used until birth even if they are not anemic during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a predisposition to cancer, and there is also blood loss during labor. Iron preparations prevent this irritation.

Other than these, a group of drugs commonly used in pregnancy are MAGNESIUM and CALCIUM (click for detailed information) preparations. Use of these medicines during pregnancy is not necessary, but there is no harm in using them. Routine use in every pregnancy is not recommended. They are usually preferred when there is slight contractions and cramps.

Medicines containing the PROGESTERON hormone are not recommended for routine use in every pregnancy. However, bleeding is used when the doctor feels appropriate, such as low risk. Even in the prevention of abortions, they are not proven drugs that are effective.

In pregnancy, pain relievers are not a group of drugs that can be used easily. Except for paracetamol derivatives, painkillers are not usually used in pregnancy unless it is necessary and often necessary. The majority of the fetuses have potentially harmful effects. For this reason, do not use any pain medication without consulting your doctor in pregnancy.

Apart from these, as nausea and vomiting complaints are frequently seen in pregnancy, medicines for these are prescribed by the doctor if necessary. Urinary tract infection, a common condition in pregnancy, can sometimes require medication. If the mother has diseases such as goiter, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, migraine, medicines for these are recommended by specialists. These medicines are selected from medicines that are not harmful to the gestation or may be the least harmful.

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