2 Ocak 2018 Salı


Benefits of milk during pregnancy:
During pregnancy, the mother needs calcium. Milk is one of the most abundant sources of calcium. In a mother who drinks about 3 glasses of milk a day during pregnancy, all the calcium necessary for her and her baby is met. The cow's milk contains protein, various vitamins (D, A, C, K vitamins), minerals such as phosphorus, fluorine, iron, iodine and fat.

How much milk should be drunk per day during pregnancy?
A pregnant woman's daily calcium intake is up to 1000 mg. For pregnancies below the age of 18, the need for more is 1300 mg per day. The expectant mother does not have to cover the whole of this requirement because it is found in many foods such as cheese, yoghurt, vegetables, fruits, legumes, although not as abundant in the milk as calcium. Drinking 3 glasses of milk a day is enough for your pregnancy. There is about 250 mg of calcium in a glass of water, 750 mg of three cups of calcium is enough, the rest of your needs are easily completed with other nutrients. The use of buccal mothers and babies in pregnancy is not only dependent on the calcium they contain, but also the vitamin D and protein they contain.

Benefits and benefits of smoking in pregnancy:
Drinking milk during pregnancy avoids calcium deficiency in the mother and consequently bone erimes. The baby has many benefits, especially bone and dental health.
There are studies that show that the birth weight of mothers who do not drink milk during pregnancy is higher than that of milk-bearing mothers and that allergies are more common in children of milk-free mothers.
Mothers who drink less than one cup of milk a day without a study reported that the birth weight of their babies is less than that of those who drink more than one cup of milk. (source)
In a study conducted in 2010, it was reported that MS (multiple sclerosis) was less common in children of mothers who consumed milk during their pregnancy. (source)

I do not drink milk?
Pregnancy with preference due to the benefits of calcium outside the nutrient milk primarily lactose intolerance or other reasons do not drink milk as a source of calcium cheese, yoghurt, ayran can consume. For those with lactose intolerance, there are lactose-free milks in the markets and consuming them will provide the same benefits. If you can not consume any of these foods, then you should definitely see your doctor for the necessary calcium supplement.


The adequate intake of calcium (Calcium, Ca) is important not only in pregnancy but also in all phases of life for women. Calcium in pregnancy is essential for the development of bone marrow in the mother and for the baby to have healthy teeth development. Apart from that, calcium has various functions in the body. If enough calcium is not taken during pregnancy, the calcium required for the baby's development is met through the bones of the mother, which leads to calcium deficiency in the mother and osteoporosis in the years to come.

How much calcium is needed in pregnancy?
During pregnancy, a woman needs to take 1000 milligrams (1 gram) of calcium a day. If the woman is under 18 years of age, her daily calcium requirement is 1300 mg.

Is it necessary to use calcium medication supplements in pregnancy?
Pregnant women who need 1000 mg of calcium per day for their pregnancies and who can get enough amounts of food and drinks do not need to use calcium medication. However, supplemental calcium drug supplements are needed for pregnancies that do not take calcium in sufficient amounts with nutrients.
The multivitamin pills used in pregnancy also contain calcium, but they usually contain as little as 125 mg of calcium. If the mother does not get enough calcium with the food, the 125 mg calcium from here will not be enough. Therefore, in addition to vitamin pills, calcium pills (usually water-soluble pills) are given to mothers who can not get calcium-rich foods such as milk and yoghurt.

Calcium-containing foods:
Milk, yoghurt, cheese are the richest foods from calcium. Apart from this, dried apricots, walnuts, nuts, almonds, trout, dark green leafy vegetables and dry legumes are rich in calcium. Below is the approximate amount of calcium in some foods and beverages:
- 100 ml milk: contains 125 mg calcium
- 1 cup cow milk: contains 250 mg of calcium
- 1 cup yogurt: 250 mg
- 1 slice (30 grams) feta cheese average 100 mg (depending on the cheese flavor)
- 1 handful of nuts or almonds: 50 mg
- 1 handful of raisins: 30 mg

For lactose intolerance:
In people with lactase enzyme deficiency (lactose intolerance), milk containing normal lactose can not consume them because it causes discomfort such as gas, bloating. In this case yoghurt, ayran, cacık, cheese are the most suitable foods because of the abundant calcium content. In addition, lactose-free milk can be consumed. However, nutrients, almonds, oranges, mandarins, raisins and green vegetables can also provide calcium supplementation, although the amount of calcium in these foods is not as high as that of dairy products.

As a result; As you can see from the above list, milk and yogurt are the richest from calcium and the easiest foods to consume. A pregnant woman consuming up to 3 cups of milk or 3 cups of yoghurt (or half a day) consumes an average of 750 mg of calcium per day, while the remaining 250 mg of calcium may be consumed during the day from vegetables, fruit, other nutrients and therefore requires additional calcium drug supplements Do not stay.

However, a candidate mother who can not consume enough milk and yogurt can not supplement her daily requirement of 1000 mg of calcium with other foods. Since foods such as vegetables, fruit, dried fruits, nuts, and almonds contain small amounts of calcium, you will need to consume too much to supplement 1000 mg of calcium with these foods, which is not possible and will also result in excessive caloric intake with too much calorie burden. For this reason, candidates for mothers who can not consume enough milk and yogurt should be supplemented with additional calcium tablets. You should never use calcium, magnesium, vitamin, folic acid, iron pill or any other medication without consulting your doctor in pregnancy.



Consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods in pregnancy:
Carbohydrates are used as the main energy source in the body.

Adequate intake prevents proteins from being used as energy sources, and inadequate intake can cause protein degradation in the body. If excess carbohydrates are taken, excess fat accumulation occurs in the body. Ideally, the amount of carbohydrate consumed in a pregnancy should be as much as 40% of the daily intake.

Most foods contain carbohydrates, but most are found in foods such as bread, rice, flour, sweets, chocolate, sugar, fruit, vegetables, pastries. For this reason, these foods should be consumed in the ideal amount, and excessive consumption should be avoided. Especially the fruit is consumed in an excessive amount by some pregnant women who think that they will give plenty of vitamin to the baby, this is wrong.

Because fruits contain vitamins and minerals, they contain plenty of carbohydrates, ie, sugars, which in turn leads to excessive weight gain and fat deposition. Ideally, a small plate of fruit a day to consume. Approximately 175 grams of carbohydrate intake per day is recommended in pregnancy, which is about 130 grams in non-pregnant women, and there are no significant differences between them, so foods should be consumed.

Consumption of foods containing protein in pregnancy:
For a non-pregnant woman, the protein recommendation of about 60 grams (0.8 gr / kg / day) per day is about 80 grams (1.1 gr / kg / day) for pregnant women. This amount should be slightly higher in adolescent pregnancies (under 18 years of age) and twin, triplet pregnancies.

Consumption of fat-containing foods during pregnancy:
The requirement of food containing fat in pregnancy does not depend on those who are not pregnant. Approximately 30% of the total calorie intake per day should be fed from the oil, which means an average of 60 grams of fat per day. People who are not pregnant, like margarine, sunflower structure should be kept away from oil. According to experts of olive oil nutrition, the most suggestions for health are oil.

1 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi


Dieting, diet program or dietary list administration during pregnancy is generally not recommended. Ideally, a woman who is considering pregnancy should diet and exercise to reach normal weight before she conceives. Beginning with excess weight in pregnancy can lead to various problems by getting more weight in pregnancy. Click here for detailed information about the risks of overweight in pregnancy. What can be done if the pregnancy is intentionally or unwelcomely overweight? In this case, strict diet lists and diet programs should not be applied, which may cause the baby to be deprived of the vitamins and minerals it needs for its development. Instead, all the nutritional guidelines necessary for a healthy pregnancy should be applied exactly, only away from excessively calorific and unnecessary foods, and the necessary nutrients for pregnancy should not be taken more than enough. In this regard, your gynecologist will assist you with a dietician consultation if necessary. In addition, exercise and sports must be performed during pregnancy.

A tighter diet list and a tight workout schedule should be delayed postnatally.


Overpowering is used to mean the extinction of any food of the mother's candidate. It usually starts in the first months of your pregnancy but can start any week of your pregnancy. It usually decreases during the 3rd - 4th months of pregnancy or it may rarely last until the next month.

What food can the mother get over the drink?
Candidates for mothers often want to over-eat chocolate and some other desserts, pickles, plums, various fruits, various drinks. There is also a condition called pica syndrome, where the mother will want to eat items such as soil, lime, sand, hair, soap, clay, chalk, matches. In the presence of Pica syndrome, you should consult your doctor immediately.

What is the reason you are going?
It is thought that ascomycin may depend on some reasons such as changing hormone levels in pregnancy, mineral vitamin needs or psychological reasons, interest, need for emotional support, but the precise cause is unknown.

Do you have any interest in having your baby boy or girl in gender?
Sometimes there is a false belief among people. There is no connection with whether you are a baby girl or a man. It does not indicate that your mother is sweet or sour, salty, or any food or beverage that is a baby boy or girl.


What should we eat in pregnancy? What should we eat? are the most frequently asked questions. As in all periods of life, it is important to have a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy. Unilateral feed should be avoided and should be taken at the appropriate rates as protein, carbohydrate, fat and vitamin - minerals. During the pregnancy period, the daily necessity of all these nutrients increases. According to other people in pregnancy, more than 300 kilocalories per day, ie about 2300 kilocalories must be taken. In addition to regular and adequate nutrition, it is recommended to use iron medication every day during pregnancy and use folic acid vitamin in the first months of pregnancy. Daily multivitamin preparations may also be recommended for pregnant women who are not adequately fed. Pregnant mothers receive an average of 10 to 12 pounds by feeding enough. Pregnancy should be followed by weight gain. An average of 0.5-1 kg in the first trimester and an average of 1.5-2.0 kg in the subsequent periods is normal. Detailed information about weight gain in pregnancy can be found by clicking here.

It should be avoided as much as possible for people who are not pregnant during pregnancy, such as overly fatty foods, unnecessary excess calories, non-nutritious cakes, biscuits and other foods. You should not eat pastries and fatty foods too much.

 Baklava and similar sweet or other sweets can be consumed but consumed in small quantities, they can easily gain weight because they contain excessive calories, which is an unwanted condition in pregnancy. Detailed information about chocolate consumption in pregnancy can be found by clicking here. Food should be eaten frequently and rarely during the day. It should be fed at a rate of 5-6 meals, not 3 meals a day. Excess salt should not be consumed. Fast food foods should be avoided. It is beneficial to consume fruits and vegetables because they are mineral-vitamin sources. Meat and dairy products will provide the necessary protein during pregnancy. It is very beneficial to consume fish for 1-2 days a week during pregnancy.

Consuming fish for 1-2 days a week and consuming 1-2 walnuts per day is beneficial for the mother to take omega 3 fish oil which is important for the brain development of the baby. Tuna fish can also be consumed on condition that it is not more than 2 per week. As there is mercury in fish, more than 2 fish consumption per week is not recommended in pregnancy.



From the beginning of your pregnancy, some changes in the breast of your mothers feel and see. Some of these changes are a natural process to prepare the mother's breast for breastfeeding. Depending on the growth of the milk channels, the volume of the breast increases, the mammals grow and the sensitivity develops. You may feel heavy in the breasts. There may be a difference between right and left breast sizes. The veins under the skin of the breast may become visible.

The nipples also grow and become sensitive throughout pregnancy, the color is dark and dark, dark brown. Nothing is taken to reduce or diminish this darkening, and when the hormones return to normal, the color returns to normal when the pregnancy ends.

A small amount of milk may come from the nipples during pregnancy. This starting milk called colostrum is clear or yellowish. If blood comes from your nipples, you should consult your doctor immediately. Small protrusions (Montgomery tubercles) form on the tips of the nipples, which secrete fat to help protect the chest health. You should rinse this area with soapy water without soap.

It may come to dryness and pain in the nipples. In this case, it can be cleaned with warm water and suitable moisturizing creams can be applied.

Are the growths of the memories or the breast color related to gender?
There are false beliefs among people in this area in some areas. In pregnancy the breasts grow more or less, the tips of the nipples become too dark or too dark, and the darkness is not related to the sex of the baby, whether it is male or female. The male or female gender is similar to the changes occurring in the entire body, either in the nipples or in the nipples. It is impossible to predict the sex of the baby by looking at the external image changes in the anemic body.

When growth, pain and darkening in the memories begin:
Growth, swelling, tenderness, aches and pains in mammals begin usually in the first months of pregnancy. Darkening at the nipples generally occurs in the following months, some begin around the third month, others begin towards the end of the last month. The growth of the breasts or the change of the chest colors is not a symptom of the pregnancy or the health of the baby.

Having mass in the meme and blood coming from the nipple:
These are not normal changes in pregnancy. When pregnant, hardness comes in the hand or mass under the arm under the arm, red-brown discharge from the nipple, blood coming, such as urgent medical examination is required.


During pregnancy, there are various changes in the body in almost every organ and system.

Because of the weight of both the baby and the baby and the appendages of the baby, the mother gets weight due to the increase of the fat, the increase of the blood volume and the enlargement in the breast.

- Pregnancy increases water retention in the mother's body.
- Blood volume increases. There is a volume increase of about 1500 ml, which consists of 1200 ml plasma and 300 ml erythrocytes. As the plasma increases, dilutional anemia occurs. Hemoglobin and hematocrit values ​​are reduced.
- In pregnancy, triglycerides and total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL and free fatty acids increase.
- The iron needs are increasing and can not be met with nutrients, additional iron pills are required.
- Normally, a woman's blood volume, which is 3.5 liters, increases by about 5 liters.
- In pregnancy, the white blood cell (leukocyte) increases. Leukocyte increase is due to neutrophil, lymphocytes do not change.
- The platelet level is reduced.
- Sedimentation rate and acute phase reactors such as C-reactive protein rise. The parameter that is primarily responsible for the increased sedimentation is the increase in fibrinogen.
- In pregnancy the immune system (humoral and cellular immunity) is suppressed, ie suppressed.
- In pregnancy, the tendency to coagulate coagulation increases.
- In pregnancy, the heart rate increases by 10 beats / min. The amount of blood pumped by the heart increases.
- Breast augmentation in pregnancy, diaphragm rise.
- A small amount of glucose (sugar) is excreted in the urine, which means that glycosuria is normal in pregnancy.
- Due to the pressure of the uterus and the effect of the progesterone hormone, it may cause enlargement in the urine (ureters).
- Daily urine output increases and frequent urination occurs.
- Gum hypertrophy (epulis) and bleeding may occur.
Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) may increase during pregnancy.
- The risk of developing gallstones increases.
- The slope of the lumbar region of the spine increases (lordoz).
- The pelvis (pelvic) joints come to relax.
- In pregnancy, the tidal volume increases and the residual volume decreases in the lungs.
Glomerular filtration rate increases.
- Plasma creatinine is reduced.
- Plasma urea is reduced.
- Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) increases physiologically.
- Plasma total protein and albumin decrease. Total globulin increases.
- Biliribin levels in maternal serum decrease during pregnancy, bile acids increase.
- Liver enzyme levels (ALT, AST) decrease in maternal serum during pregnancy.
- The intraocular pressure decreases during pregnancy. Corneal thickness may increase due to edema.
- Bicarbonate threshold decreases during pregnancy, blood level decreases (respiratory alcohol to compensate)
- Lipolytic activity in fat tissue increases in pregnancy
- Lipoprotein lipase activity in the liver decreases.
- Uterus size has a volume of 5 liters in the last month of your pregnancy. In the near future, the weight of the uterus reaches about 1000 gr.
- In pregnancy, blood pressure (especially diastolic pressure) falls in the first trimester, and it increases to pre-pregnancy level in the last few months. During birth, both systolic and diastolic blood pressures are elevated.
- In pregnancy, heart rate and cardiac output increase, even more during birth. The first and third heart sounds get harder. Systolic murmur may be normal in pregnancy, but diastolic murmur should always be considered pathologic.
- A slight left-hand axis deviation appears on the ECG.
- Kidney size increases slightly in pregnancy. Glomerular filtration rate increases. Urea, creatinine, uric acid levels in maternal serum decrease. Creatinine clearance increases.
- Daily urine volume increases.
- Ureter widen slightly (especially right)
- In pregnancy serum total calcium level decreases but free calcium level does not change. Calcium excretion increases with urine.
- In pregnancy, sodium (Na) and potassium (K) levels decrease in maternal plasma.
- Breathing rate does not change during pregnancy. The increase in diaphragm reduces total lung capacity and residual capacities. Minute ventilator volume increases. Lung compliance does not change, but total lung resistance decreases and airway conduction increases.
- In pregnancy, arterial pCO2 decreases slightly, compensatory respiratory alkalosis occurs. HCO3 (bicarbonate) decreases. Plasma pH increases slightly, alkaline.
- The hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve slides to the left for increased Kanda pH, increasing the oxygen affinity of the hemoglobin in the mother.
 - In pregnancy, acid secretion decreases and mucus secretion increases, which is why patients with peptic ulceration recover during pregnancy.
- Burning pyrosis (heartburn, pregnancy reflux) may come to the fore with the stomach contents coming back towards the neck.
- There is a slight growth in the pituitary gland during pregnancy.
- Total T3 and T4 increases in pregnancy, free T3 and free T4 invariant (thyroid hormones). TRH and TSH do not change. The T3 resin uptake is reduced.
- Increase cortisone hormone levels in pregnancy.
- Physiological hyperparathyroidism comes to the fore. Calcitonin and 1.25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 levels are also increased.
- Testosterone and androstenedione increase. DHEA-Sulfate


Today, ultrasonography is the most important part of pregnancy examination.
Even if there is no problem in pregnancy, ultrasonography control is performed at certain intervals at certain intervals. Different evaluations are done ultrasonically at different months of pregnancy. For example, in the first month of pregnancy, baby's weight is not measured but only evaluations such as heart rate and pouch size are made. In the 5th month of gestation, more detailed evaluation such as weight, water, placentan's condition and structure of organs are made and different evaluations are made in different months. You can find ultrasonographic measurements made in pregnancy by clicking here.

Ultrasonography may not detect an approximately 30-35% of the baby's anomaly. In other words, although most of the developmental disorders in the ultrasonic baby are detected, it is impossible to always detect all of them.

Ultrasonography has no harm to the baby. It does not contain radiation. If it is done even at frequent intervals, it does not harm baby.

For purposes of ultrasound in pregnancy:
Ultrasound in pregnancy is used to answer the following questions
- Is there a pregnancy? Is he in normal position? In the womb?
- Is pregnancy alive?
- How many months of pregnancy? How many weeks?
- Is your baby's nape thick?
- How much is your baby's estimated weight? Is weight gain normal for a week?
- Is your baby straight?
- Is your baby's placenta normal? Is your wife settlement normal? Is it closing the birth route?
- Is the baby's head diameter and leg length normal?
- Is baby's water normal?
- Does the baby have an anomaly? By detailed ultrasonography performed around 18-20 weeks, it is investigated whether there is a developmental disorder in baby's organs. Detailed information about detailed ultrasonography can be found by clicking here.
- Biophysical profile assessment of baby movements, muscle tone and respiration are evaluated.
- In the presence of preterm birth, the length of the cervix can be measured.
- Is there a fibroid or cyst in the uterus and ovaries?
- What is sex?
- Doppler examination (blood flow) is assessed where necessary.
- Used in interventions such as amniocentesis or CVS.

It is not routinely necessary to make a 3 or 4 dimensional ultrasound during pregnancy, it is only the face, the hands, etc. of the family baby. It is useful if you want to see it, it is not useful to investigate the baby's condition and the existence of apology. The use of normal 2D ultrasound routinely is sufficient for pregnancy.


During pregnancy, the mother has some medications and vitamins that she should routinely use even if she has no complaints. In addition, there are some medications that are used when necessary in the face of complaints and some diseases during pregnancy. Every medicine used in normal people can not be used easily in pregnancy because most drugs can go from placenta to baby and harm the baby and some medicines do not go to babies or even do not harm and it can even be beneficial. For this reason, even the simplest medicines, including vitamins in pregnancy, should never be used without consulting a doctor. This topic is explained under a separate heading here.

Vitamins used in pregnancy:
Vitamins that should be used in pregnancy are FOLIC ACID. Even the most correct and useful thing is to start using folic acid before pregnancy, not after it starts pregnancy. It is recommended to use folic acid at least 3 months before pregnancy and continue until the end of the 3rd month after the pregnancy. For this reason, the person planning the pregnancy should start taking folic acid before conception. Folic acid is for the prevention of anomalies in the baby called neural tube defect. Normally 0.4 mg (400 mcg) folic acid per day is sufficient, but this dose should be 4 mg (4000 mcg) for those who have previously given birth to neural tube defects and who are in the risk group (epilepsy drug users, diabetics using insulin). If folic acid is forgotten for 1-2 days, it is advisable to take it regularly. Read more >>

Vitamins other than folic acid and MULTIVITAMIN preparations are drugs that are not required to be used in pregnancy. These medicines are widely available on the market and are widely taught in terms of their use in pregnancy. However, these multivitamins do not necessarily have to be used unless there is severe malnutrition in the mother, and no benefit has been shown. There is no objection to their use. However, taking these vitamins more than once a day may be objectionable, so you should not take more than your doctor recommended, because some of the vitamins can cause harm to the baby. Vitamin A, for example. Vitamins such as vitamin A are therefore found in low doses in vitamins produced for pregnancies. These vitamin medicines can cause stomach upset from time to time.

Other medicines:
It is strongly recommended that iron (blood) drugs should be used until birth even if they are not anemic during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a predisposition to cancer, and there is also blood loss during labor. Iron preparations prevent this irritation.

Other than these, a group of drugs commonly used in pregnancy are MAGNESIUM and CALCIUM (click for detailed information) preparations. Use of these medicines during pregnancy is not necessary, but there is no harm in using them. Routine use in every pregnancy is not recommended. They are usually preferred when there is slight contractions and cramps.

Medicines containing the PROGESTERON hormone are not recommended for routine use in every pregnancy. However, bleeding is used when the doctor feels appropriate, such as low risk. Even in the prevention of abortions, they are not proven drugs that are effective.

In pregnancy, pain relievers are not a group of drugs that can be used easily. Except for paracetamol derivatives, painkillers are not usually used in pregnancy unless it is necessary and often necessary. The majority of the fetuses have potentially harmful effects. For this reason, do not use any pain medication without consulting your doctor in pregnancy.

Apart from these, as nausea and vomiting complaints are frequently seen in pregnancy, medicines for these are prescribed by the doctor if necessary. Urinary tract infection, a common condition in pregnancy, can sometimes require medication. If the mother has diseases such as goiter, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, migraine, medicines for these are recommended by specialists. These medicines are selected from medicines that are not harmful to the gestation or may be the least harmful.


Pregnancy follow-up examinations are carried out from the beginning of pregnancy to postpartum period to assess the condition of the mother and baby, to inform the mother, to prevent or detect possible problems with mother and baby. It is more appropriate that these tests begin before the pregnancy occurs, since the couple is informed about the pregnancy and the vitamin is prepared for the pregnancy, the family is informed about the pregnancy, so that the mother starts the pregnancy in the healthiest way It is provided.

In case of pregnancy planned:
When you consult your doctor before the pregnancy has started, you will be given various surveys to your mother and try to avoid the risk of pregnancy according to their results. For example, if mother is anemic, it will be corrected before pregnancy. It is investigated whether or not infectious diseases such as rubella and the like have passed. If the mother does not have rubella, she should be very careful not to have it during pregnancy because rubella infection in pregnancy can cause problems. Pregnancy weight loss is recommended if the mother is overweight. In the case of diabetes mellitus, blood sugar should be regulated before pregnancy. The mother is informed about drug, smoking and alcohol use. For all women planning pregnancy, prophylactic dose of folic acid is recommended for NTD (neural tube defect) prophylaxis. Carriers are investigated for diseases such as hemoglinopathies, cystic fibrosis in risky regions.

Then your doctor will examine you and evaluate you almost once a month, depending on the condition of your pregnancy. At each visit the blood pressure and weight of the mother is measured. (Weight gain in pregnancy) There are some months of surveillance, these are done. Whether or not the baby's weight is normal for the month is evaluated by ultrasonography. The presence of abnormality in the baby is investigated, especially at the end of 5th month, the patient is directed to detailed ultrasonography. In the case of recent births, maternal birth and bone structure is compared with the baby's posture and weight by vaginal examination, and an approximate estimate of normal birth fulfillment is made. However, it is not and can not be guaranteed that normal birth will occur precisely until the moment of birth. In some cases, the baby is not expected to be upside down, or for other reasons, the birth of the normal birth is scheduled on the day of the cesarean section and the delivery is performed with the cesarean section.

Routine multivitamin supplements are not recommended for every pregnancy unless the mother's nutrition is not excessive. Multivitamin pills are given to those who have nutritional problems or to vegetarians. Medicines and vitamins used in pregnancy are explained on a separate topic.

HBsAg is performed to determine if the mother has passed hepatitis (jaundice). If the mother is HBsAg (+), the vaccine should be given to the baby immediately after birth in order to prevent the risk of passing to the baby during childbirth. The vaccination should be repeated at 2 and 6 months after birth. Hepatitis B vaccine is given to all newborns by the recommendation of the Ministry of Health. Patients with HBsAg (-) are advised to take hepatitis B vaccine as a preventive measure against the disease.

During the pregnancy, you can read in detail what kind of surveys will be made during which weeks and in what months.

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