13 Eylül 2016 Salı

Anne Oldunuz!
welcome Baby
Labour has ended and no more pain. Now rest your baby in your arms. Great, relieved, confused, anxious, or feeling tired all of them at once.

Start your baby Connection
How the changes will take place in the women's feelings after the birth? To connect to your baby and sometimes a few days, sometimes it can take weeks. Sometimes it happens immediately. They were all normal. Your baby already knows your voice, but this is the first time you see each other ... your baby's vision is very good although not yet sufficient. If your baby lying in your arms, as you can see on his face you can see it in your face.

Try Direct Breastfeeding
Many babies born immediately after birth during which secrete adrenaline is in alarm. To relax the moment they try to absorb and be very happy. But birth is long and tiring for him, your baby will need to recover before and will probably fall asleep from exhaustion.

Teeny Fingers, a wee nose
10 hand and 10 toes. Some of our strange reasons tiny baby opens his hands carefully and count their fingers. We were surprised how each one is so tiny.

If you look at the head, you realize that it is slightly cone-shaped. this is quite normal for your baby passes through the birth canal stenosis. Do not worry, your baby's head will take its normal shape in time. Your baby's skin is light red, and can be stained in many spots on your baby's face. They will disappear in a few days. around the shoulders and the back of the hairs and skin can be oily substance like white petrolatum.
Did you see any remaining trace of a bite from the stork? If this is you saw a birthmark. It will be reduced over time. Hand your baby may be slightly grayish blue because the blood circulation has not yet own.

Support your baby's head
Your little baby is still a lot of work to do. For example; To strengthen the muscles. You are currently not move even if the weight of the baby's head. head compared to the rest of the body is quite large. Therefore, you support your baby's head while lifting or handling is very important.

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