Infertility (infertility) in the female half of the couple discovered the problem, the other half of the problem is detected in men. the problem is not detected in both individuals in approximately 15% of couples. Male sperm count in a portion of cases which cause infertility, they act as reduction in its shape and movement. Some other reasons are causing infertility or genetic reasons as the cause hormonal disruption. In addition, retrograde ejaculation to be obstacles to reach the sperm into the uterus properly (retrograde ejaculation), hypospadias, causes such as erectile dysfunction may cause infertility.
The main causes of male infertility:
- varicocele
- hypogonadism
- Cigaret
- Alcohol
- Use of certain medications, chemotherapy
- Chromosomal, genetic abnormalities (Klinefelter syndrome)
- Testicular tumors
- Kriptoorşitizm
- hydrocele
- Testicular trauma
- Idiopathic oligospermia (reduction in sperm count)
- Infections
- Obstructive (Occlusive) reasons, the vas deferens obstruction
- Systemic diseases
- Impotence (erectile that erection problems)
- Retrograde ejaculation (retrograde ejaculation)
- Cystic fibrosis
This sperm analysis, as appropriate to determine the cause and also examined by a urologist is necessary. for reasons identified it will be implemented by appropriate medication or surgery, urology specialist.
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