4 Eylül 2016 Pazar

PREGNANCY (in pregnancy) EFFECTS OF BEING overweight

Overweight (obese) increases the incidence of some complications during pregnancy in women. Among the reasons for excessive calorie excess weight gain during pregnancy diet, physical inactivity and egzerziz do, as reasons include genetic factors. In the obese mothers during pregnancy, high blood pressure and diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is seen more risk.

increased risk in women who are overweight during pregnancy:
- Obese women are more difficult to assess the baby by ultrasound, the image is deteriorated.
- Icon is more fat in the abdominal skin thickness is difficult to make interventions such as amniocentesis.
- Obese people are less likely to progress in a normal birth and therefore increases the possibility of caesarean section.
- Obese women with high blood pressure and preeclampsia during pregnancy have an increased incidence.
- Obese mothers of infants found to be higher in overweight during pregnancy. birth can be difficult because of the large baby.
- Obese mothers after the birth of the baby in later life is a higher risk of being obese.
- Obese women in recovery in the wound after cesarean section, as in all operative and more difficult to return to normal.
- Low risk in overweight women is higher.
- Early and premature birth increased risk.
- Urinary tract enfeksiyonalr the more common in obese pregnant women.
- Obesity is more common in mothers with breastfeeding problems.
- Neural tube defects in babies (spina bifida, opening the back) is more common.
- Increased risk seen in babies during birth trauma.
- Obese mothers of newborn infants in the intensive care unit requirement to be more common and the risk of death is higher in the newborn period.

Giving before planning pregnancy more weight than necessary during obesity and pregnancy than weight gain in order to avoid the risks described above, taking calories required during pregnancy and avoid inactivity, measures should be taken, such as exercise. Learn how to control that weight gain during pregnancy is often useful to be weighed.

The amount of weight a woman should receive a total of up to birth and during pregnancy are as follows. Here a woman's Body Mass Index (MBI) weight range should receive according to the value indicated. BMI may be obtained simply by dividing the weight of the length squared (kg / m2). For example, 160 cm tall and 65 kg weight in a woman's BMI is 65 / (1.6x1.6) is calculated using the formula that is 25.3, respectively.

- BMI less than 20, which recommended that the total weight taken during pregnancy to poor women: 12.6 - is between 28 kilograms.
- BMI suggested that total taken during pregnancy for women with normal weight 20-25 kg: 11.5 - between 16 kilograms
- BMI between 26-29 total weight recommended to be taken during pregnancy for women who are overweight ie: 7 - 11.5 kilograms
- BMI of 30 or more that daf overweight (obese), total weight gain during pregnancy is recommended to women: There is a maximum of 7 kilograms.

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