Fibroids in the uterus and cervix seen, emerging from benign uterine smooth muscle tissue found in nature (benign) tumor structures in nature. People between the "product" is called. Fibroids may be in size, ranging in size from a pea to baseball size.
Uterine fibroids can read the subject in detail at this link. In this article you will find that myomectomy is the surgical removal of fibroids subject.
Myomectomy fibroid from the uterus (the womb) is the process of surgically removing peeling. hysteroscopic or laparoscopic or open surgery can be done.
In the vast majority of women found small fibroids. Fibroids do not always cause complaints. myomas, fibroids, as described in the above link, especially large fibroids excessive or irregular menstrual bleeding, pelvic or back pain, can cause a variety of symptoms such as frequent urination. Each fibroids require treatment or surgery does not. Small and there is no need for surgery for fibroids do not generate complaints is enough to follow the size and spacing examination and ultrasound. But big or fibroids that cause complaints should be taken to surgery. In some cases required surgery just getting fibroids in the uterus (myomectomy), in some cases, completely taken with uterine fibroids (hysterectomy). requires fibroid surgery may be several factors that affect the decision not to approve or require, these fibroid created by complaints and severity of these complaints, the location of the fibroids and size of the patient's age, it is like having a patient's pregnancy.
Myomectomy surgery, open surgery (abdominal myomectomy) may also be made by methods such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy can be done. Laparoscopic myomectomy is done by opening the abdomen surgery only a few holes in the tool. In hysteroscopic myomectomy is inserted through the vagina into the uterus through the cervix performed a surgical instrument shaped light tubes. Laparoscopic myomectomy is suitable for fibroids are more close to the outer surface of the uterus, it is suitable for fibroids on the inside of the uterus, hysteroscopic myomectomy.
ON SURGERY - Abdominal Myomectomy
The abdomen opened with a vertical or transverse incision (laparotomy) Removal of fibroids is surgery. The uterus (womb) that is suitable for operation on the outer surface subserosal and intramural fibroids in the uterine wall is so. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and may change the amount of time it usually takes up to 1 hour. After surgery, you need to stay in hospital for 2-3 days. Then it might take 3-4 weeks for you to completely recover at home. again in the risk of fibroids fibroids were removed by myomectomy, a person was found to 50-60% in 5 years, of which one quarter (10-15%) required reoperation. Only after this surgery for uterine fibroids can be received and can be released from pregnant patients. Pregnancy is recommended after surgery to take at least 6 months. Uterine wall must be by later to be thinner because of the birth of cesarean surgery is not recommended for normal delivery. bleeding during surgery or after surgery are rare risks such as infection development. In very rare myomectomy patients with excessive bleeding during surgery or complete removal of the uterus is not possible due to nedenmi as removal of fibroids (hysterectomy) may be necessary. Please click here for additional information myomectomy surgery.
Laparoscopic myomectomy (fibroid OFF OPERATION)
Belly to belly and a few small holes opened from lower tool called laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen (thin tube-shaped camera equipment) with the removal of fibroids. Where Fibroids close to the outer surface of the uterus (subserosal fibroids) and not very big (in less than 10 cm), fibroids, fibroids are not more than 4 cases of laparoscopic (closed) fibroid surgery may be recommended. The surgery requires general anesthesia and takes about 1-2 hours. After surgery, you need to stay in hospital for 1-2 days. completely recovery time is shorter than the patient's home to open surgery and it takes about 1-2 weeks. this one also has the risk of recurrence of fibroids in the years to come, as in open surgery. Removal of the uterus due to some circumstances, such bleeding could occur during very rarely operated as in open surgery (hysterectomy) may be required. Laparoscopy (surgery closed), information about the methods can be found by clicking here. Please click here for additional information about laparoscopic myomectomy.
Hysteroscopic myomectomy
The camera is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix into the uterus called hysteroscopy shaped tubes inside the instrument (submucous) Removal of fibroids is surgery. submucous fibroids in the uterine lining may be that only in this way. burning or cutting instrument called a hysteroscope fibroids in the tip of the instrument is taken. Surgery can be performed under general or spinal anesthesia, oral clearance lasts half an hour. The same day the patient is discharged from the hospital or surgery after 1 day. fully recovery of the patient's home 3 days - in a relatively short period of time ranging from 1 week. in the years to fibroids, as well as other surgery there is a risk of reoccurrence rate of 10-20%.
Rahim in the method is suitable in cases where vaginal birth stemmed from the cervix of fibroids. Fibroids can be easily burkularak.
Fibroids treatment in myomectomy except hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus surgery) may be required.
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