5 Eylül 2016 Pazartesi

gender determination test at home

As we know the baby's sex in the 16-20 week ultrasound examination it can be determined at high rates. at 13-15 weeks can also be determined by such a high rate, though not advanced ultrasound devices. sex determination tests can be done at home with the mother's urine is used in some countries in recent years. Such testing is banned in some countries. Sex determination tests through the 10th week of pregnancy can be determined as early as 80 per cent of the sex of the baby, the fourth family - can learn the sex of waiting until the fifth month. The first morning urine is added to the mother vessel to the test results are obtained in 10 minutes, and the greenish color in the bottle after 10 minutes men, while the orange girl sense.

Sex during pregnancy that first pair of curiosity and wonder about it the most. Therefore, the happy couple will be identified early in this case but in some cases may be drawbacks to determine so early. For example, the double pregnancy may want to learn the gender that you want to ignore curettage. In our country, voluntary curettage to 10 weeks of pregnancy is legally free. This may cause an increase in the rate curettage. Therefore, this test is already prohibited in some countries. approved in our country (or prohibited) it can be found, although not. The test may be a benefit in the gender-related hereditary diseases. Some couples come only girls or only boys genetic diseases occur in children, in these cases, couples may wish to take heed of early pregnancy, gender or continue learning. But nature also about sex as everything perfect "balance" is and is not right to interfere with any balance in nature, therefore it not recommended for most experts to terminate the pregnancy because early in the week in gender learned that both in terms of both the balance of nature is controversial from an ethical point of view.

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