29 Aralık 2017 Cuma


The following situations require a woman to suspect pregnancy:
- The delay of the expected period: This is the most important situation that creates the suspicion of pregnancy and it is mostly the first journalist of your pregnancy. Even though a woman with a delay of some time is using a contraceptive such as a contraceptive, she should still be suspicious of pregnancy and should have a pregnancy test or an ultrasonic examination to be certain. Detailed information about pregnancy tests can be found by clicking here. Of course, every delay does not mean pregnancy.
- Nausea, vomiting

- intolerance to food smells
- Fullness and sensitivity in the breasts
- Frequent urination

- Fatigue, fatigue

- The tendency to sleep

- inguinal pain

For a definite pregnancy diagnosis, pregnancy test and ultrasound examination should be done. Positive pregnancy in pregnancy test does not necessarily mean that there is a normal pregnancy, so ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy must be confirmed. There is a possibility that your pregnancy may not be seen on the ultrasound because it is too small in the first days or even in the first weeks. However, if 5-6 weeks have passed since the last menstrual period, pregnancy reaches the visible size with ultrasound. In the caloric pregnancy test, when the HCG level reaches 1200-1500, the pregnancy comes to a size that can be seen with vaginal ultrasound.

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