29 Aralık 2017 Cuma


Pregnancy starts from the moment that the sperm from a man fertilize the egg cell thrown from the ovaries. The baby is called the embryo in the period up to the end of the 8th week and the fetus in the period from birth until the 8th birth.

From the moment the embryo is placed into the endometrium, which is called the endometrium (5-6 days after fertilization), the pregnancy hormone called HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) begins to be secreted into the cells surrounding the embryo. In pregnancy tests, it is the detection of this pregnancy hormone.

As the pregnancy progresses, the gradually increasing β-HCG starts to rise after a certain threshold level, and allows the pregnancy test to be positive in the urine. The pregnancy test performed by the Kandan also detects the amount of the adjacent B-HCG. For this reason, the blood test can detect the presence or absence of pregnancy without further delay. The urine test can never reach the reliability of the blood test. The probability of error is low when the presence of pregnancy in the urine test is detected; but if the absence is detected, it is necessary to repeat the test after a while considering the possibility of premature pregnancy. (In very early pregnancies, the urine test may not be able to show gestation, which may be very low for the blood test.)

The striking BETA-HCG hormone is a valuable test used in the detection and follow-up of conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, low molar pregnancy (also known as grape gestation), as well as being used to detect pregnancies not detected by the urine test or not visible by ultrasound. Kanda pregnancy test and B-HCG


The following situations require a woman to suspect pregnancy:
- The delay of the expected period: This is the most important situation that creates the suspicion of pregnancy and it is mostly the first journalist of your pregnancy. Even though a woman with a delay of some time is using a contraceptive such as a contraceptive, she should still be suspicious of pregnancy and should have a pregnancy test or an ultrasonic examination to be certain. Detailed information about pregnancy tests can be found by clicking here. Of course, every delay does not mean pregnancy.
- Nausea, vomiting

- intolerance to food smells
- Fullness and sensitivity in the breasts
- Frequent urination

- Fatigue, fatigue

- The tendency to sleep

- inguinal pain

For a definite pregnancy diagnosis, pregnancy test and ultrasound examination should be done. Positive pregnancy in pregnancy test does not necessarily mean that there is a normal pregnancy, so ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy must be confirmed. There is a possibility that your pregnancy may not be seen on the ultrasound because it is too small in the first days or even in the first weeks. However, if 5-6 weeks have passed since the last menstrual period, pregnancy reaches the visible size with ultrasound. In the caloric pregnancy test, when the HCG level reaches 1200-1500, the pregnancy comes to a size that can be seen with vaginal ultrasound.



Some of the couple decide to have children without marrying marriage, and some decide to have children after a while from marriage. Couples who decide to have a child have some points to look out for. The most important of these are the substances listed below:

- You should consult your doctor when you decide not to become pregnant, not after you become pregnant. You will be given information about pregnancy, what you need to look out for during the pregnancy preparation period. Some surveys will be done before pregnancy.

- Every couple planning a pregnancy should begin using folic acid before they become pregnant to prevent anomalies called neural tube defects in the baby. You can find detailed information on this subject by clicking here.

- In order to make it easier to get pregnant, you have to be in close contact with the spawning days. Detailed information on the factors that make pregnancy easier can be reached by clicking here.

- Considering the possibility of getting pregnant at any time, it is important to pay attention not to use medications that can harm pregnancy. You should not use any medication without consulting your doctor.
- You should not be in X-rays (radiation) areas in a similar way.

- If you have habits such as cigarettes and alcohol, you need to prepare them for pregnancy and leave it in pregnancy (or even entirely if possible).

- A new married couple should stay away from the worry and stratagem as "why is not pregnancy yet" until 1 year of marriage has expired. Stress and anxiety will cause harm to a couple seeking pregnancy. Normally the expected duration for pregnancy in couples is 1 year (12 months uninterrupted regular sexual intercourse)

- The ideal sexual intercourse rate for pregnancy is 2 weeks per week.

Regular exercise and sports will make you feel physically and psychologically well before your pregnancy. Also, taking such activities before pregnancy will make it easier to exercise during pregnancy.

- If you have excess weight, you will benefit from pregnancy and childbirth with the help of a dietician who is in the process of preparing for pregnancy.

- If your age is greater than 35, it is recommended that you consult a gynecologist to assess your potential for over pregnancy (over reserve). You should not wait a year for your pregnancy to occur and for your doctor to refer you to younger ages.

- If you have hypertension, diabetes, goiter, anemia or any other systemic disease, you should refer to your doctor again and you will have to see the treatment planned during the pregnancy preparation period and during the pregnancy. For example, some medicines may need to be replaced.

- Care should be taken to ensure a balanced and regular diet during the pregnancy preparation period. As long as pregnancy is possible, a normal weight should be started. Obesity that develops after excessive caloric intake will bring some troubles during pregnancy.
- It will be useful to get information about pregnancy in advance, you should not expect to get pregnant for it


Normal number of men and in particular sperm production,
Clear and adequate function of sperm ducts,
Egg cell production in the female,
The fact that the tubes that transmit the egg in the female are open,
Sexual relations in the days of ovulation,
Meeting of sperm and egg and fertilization,
The uterine function suitable for the placement of the fertilized egg,
The fertilized egg is settled in the womb and gets embryo and fetus (fetus)
The birth of the baby who has completed his development.

Male reproductive cells are produced in sperm testes. Unlike women, production begins in the age of the present and continues until the end of life. Sperm production is continuous in men, although ovulation occurs once a month in the women's period and one (rarely) several ovum cells occur.
At birth there are the main sperm cells (spermatogonium) that will produce sperm in the male eggs. These cells wait quietly until puberty. In puberty, the secretion of hormone (FSH, LH) secretion begins to divide in the main sperm cells in the egg. The resulting new cells also become sperm through various stages of cleavage, development and differentiation.
Approximately 50-200 thousand sperm are produced per minute in the testes. The sperm that form in the channels of the testes enter the canal system called the epididymis. The sperm, which continue to mature here, gain the ability to move independently when they reach the tail of my epididymis. It takes about 70 days to complete the development of a sperm cell and become mature.
The sperm consists of 5-7 micron length, 3-4 micron width, pear shaped head, 2-3 micron length neck and 40-45 micron length tail.
Spermin Out
When sexual arousal occurs, sperm cells begin to accumulate in the secretions of semen vesicles and prostate, in the posterior urinary tract and in the draining ducts. For accumulation, the upper bladder side of the urinary tract in the prostate and the lower side of the prostate are closed by the sphincter system (constrictive mechanism). The fluid that accumulates on this count does not escape from the urinary tract and into the womb. The accumulating fluid is called semen.
When sexual arousal reaches its peak, an ejaculation reflex begins. While the inner sphincter of the bladder is closed, the outer sphincter is opened. At the same time, the muscles in the urinary tract and in the draining ducts contract rapidly and rhythmically. With these contractions, semen is ejected out of the urine hole with a few gushes in a gushing style.

The tissues on both sides of the waistbone of the fetus on the mother's stomach begin to differentiate into ovaries on the fetal chromosomes and females. At the 6th week of gestation in the differentiating ovary, the egg cells of the ooconia become obvious. By the 20th week the main egg cells multiply by dividing. Then, with 46 chromosomes (genes), these cells enter the cleavage stage, which reduces the number of chromosomes. This division between 7th and 9th months of pregnancy is not complete. Those cells that remain in the cleavage stage receive the name oocyte. Oocytes, surrounded by a cell layer, start to wait silently in the ovary. The number of these is fixed and does not change later. In other words, the female egg has a certain number of reproductive cells, unlike the erectile.
Oocytes that remain unchanged in the ovary from birth to adulthood will develop into mature egg cells after puberty. However, 99% of them disappear for various reasons, only about 1% develop into egg cells.

On the 14th day of the female period, the amount of LH increases suddenly from the hormones secreted from the brain pituitary (hormone-releasing region in the middle of the brain) region. Subsequently, the mature follicle cracks and releases the egg cell. This is called ovulation.

In the ovary, hormones called estrogen and progesterone are produced during the development of the egg cell. The estrogen in the first period before laying and the hormone progesterone in the second period after laying allow the tissues in the uterus to become suitable for the nesting of the fertilized egg. Otherwise the fertilized egg will not be nestled in the womb and will be low.
Late Ovulation,

17 Aralık 2017 Pazar


Pregnancy starts from the moment when the sperm from a man fertilizes the egg cell that is thrown from the ovaries. The baby is called the embryo in the period up to the end of the 8th week and the fetus in the period from birth until the 8th birth.

The embryo begins to secrete into the embryo-surrounding cells from the moment the embryo is placed into the endometrium (5-6 days after fertilization), called the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). In pregnancy tests, it is the detection of this pregnancy hormone.

As the pregnancy progresses, the gradually increasing β-HCG starts to rise after a certain threshold level, and allows the pregnancy test to be positive in the urine. The pregnancy test performed by the Kandan also detects the amount of the adjacent B-HCG. For this reason, the blood test can detect the presence or absence of pregnancy without further delay. The urine test can never reach the reliability of the blood test. The probability of error is low when the presence of pregnancy in the urine test is detected; but if the absence is detected, it is necessary to repeat the test after a while considering the possibility of premature pregnancy. (In very early pregnancies, the urine test may not be able to show gestation, which may be very low for the blood test.)

The striking BETA-HCG hormone is a valuable test used in the detection and follow-up of conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, low molar pregnancy (also known as grape gestation), as well as being used to detect pregnancies not detected by the urine test or not visible by ultrasound.


Pregnancy starts from the moment when the sperm from a man fertilizes the egg cell that is thrown from the ovaries. The baby is called the embryo in the period up to the end of the 8th week and the fetus in the period from birth until the 8th birth.

The embryo begins to secrete into the embryo-surrounding cells from the moment the embryo is placed into the endometrium (5-6 days after fertilization), called the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). In pregnancy tests, it is the detection of this pregnancy hormone.

As the pregnancy progresses, the gradually increasing β-HCG starts to rise after a certain threshold level, and allows the pregnancy test to be positive in the urine. The pregnancy test performed by the Kandan also detects the amount of the adjacent B-HCG. For this reason, the blood test can detect the presence or absence of pregnancy without further delay. The urine test can never reach the reliability of the blood test. The probability of error is low when the presence of pregnancy in the urine test is detected; but if the absence is detected, it is necessary to repeat the test after a while considering the possibility of premature pregnancy. (In very early pregnancies, the urine test may not be able to show gestation, which may be very low for the blood test.)

The striking BETA-HCG hormone is a valuable test used in the detection and follow-up of conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, low molar pregnancy (also known as grape gestation), as well as being used to detect pregnancies not detected by the urine test or not visible by ultrasound.

13 Aralık 2017 Çarşamba



This page contains guidelines for pregnant planners and pregnant women who are not pregnant.
You can click the >> at the end of the list to get more information about each information.

You need to start using folic acid from the days you plan to become pregnant (without waiting to get pregnant). You should consult your doctor for the use of folic acid and for the necessary examinations before pregnancy. >>

≈ Increasing your chance of pregnancy by entering into the relationship in the days close to the spawning time. Ovulation is usually 14 days before menstruation begins. >>

Infertility (infertility) is mentioned when the pregnancy does not occur even though it has been entered into a regular relationship without protection for 1 year. In this case, you should consult your doctor for the investigation and treatment of the causes. >>

Women planning pregnancy are advised to reach normal weight before they become pregnant. Being pregnant with excess weight can lead to various difficulties with the weight to be taken in pregnancy. >>

Excess weight is one of the factors that make it difficult to conceive. It will be helpful to get help from a dietitian to lose weight and to play sports.

Sigara Smoking is one of the factors that makes it difficult to get pregnant. >>

Is there a way to increase the chances of a girl or a boy to be able to determine the gender of the baby as one of the most curious topics of couples seeking a pregnancy? No method other than genetic methods (PGD) is effective in determining the sex of the baby. It is not about calendars, food, drinks, relationship time, or spawning time. The gender of the baby can only be determined before the IVD by the genetic method called PGD, which is forbidden in our country and is not practiced anywhere. >>

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